Laughter has a magical power that can brighten the dullest of days and turn frowns into infectious smiles.
And who better to share a hearty laugh with than the little bundles of joy we call kids? Their unfiltered innocence and boundless imaginations make for the most hilarious and unexpected moments.

Plus, asking funny questions to kids isn’t just about laughter—it’s an opportunity to bond, nurture creativity, and foster trust. These moments of joy spark their imaginations and encourage critical thinking. Let’s dive into a world of laughter, connection, and endless giggles!
If you’re ready to dive into a world of endless giggles and uproarious amusement, we’ve got you covered!
In this post, we’ve compiled a treasure trove of side-splitting queries. Whether you’re a parent seeking entertainment, a teacher looking for an icebreaker, or passing the time on a long car ride, these funny questions will have kids in stitches.
Conversation Starters
First thing first, we have curated a collection of fun questions that are bound to be great conversation starters.
These open ended questions are designed to spark imagination, foster creativity, and ignite hilarious discussions that will leave everyone in stitches. You’re sure to get some really funny answers:
- If you could turn into any animal for a day, which animal would you choose and why?
- What would you do if you woke up one morning and found that you had grown an extra pair of arms?
- If you were a superhero, what would be your superpower and what would be your superhero name?
- If you could create a new holiday, what would it be called and how would people celebrate it?
- If you could have a talking animal sidekick, what animal would it be and what would it say?
- If you were a character in a video game, what special abilities or powers would you have?
- If you could invent a new flavor of ice cream, what would it be and what would you name it?
- If you could have a magical remote control, what functions would it have and what would you use it for?
- If you could be any cartoon character for a day, who would you be and what adventures would you have?
- If you could trade places with any person for a day, who would it be and what would you do in their shoes?
- If you could have a robot helper, what tasks would you want it to assist you with?
- If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- If you could create your own imaginary best friend, what would they look like and what would their name be?
- If you could have a super silly talent, like juggling marshmallows or making funny faces, what would it be?
- If you could visit any planet in the solar system, which one would you choose and what would you do there?
- What is the funniest thing you’ve ever seen in your entire life?
- If you could have a secret hideout, where would it be and what kind of gadgets would you have inside?
- If you could create a new holiday just for kids, what would it be called and how would you celebrate it?
- If you could have a robot that could do your homework, what other chores would you make it do?
- If you could only eat one kind of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- What is the worst thing you can imagine eating?
- How many hot dogs do you think you could eat in one sitting?
- If you could live in a giant candy house, what would the rooms be made of?
- If you could snap your fingers and be in your favorite place, where would you go?
- If you could only dress in your favorite color for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- What is the best dream you’ve ever had?
- If you could have a superpower to make silly faces that make people laugh uncontrollably, how would you use it?
- If you could invent a new sport, what would it be and what crazy rules would it have?
- If you have to choose a new name, what would it be?
- If you could have a magical pencil that brings your drawings to life, what would you draw first?
- If you could only eat your favorite dinner for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- What is the grossest thing you’ve ever seen in your entire life?
- If you could be a character in your favorite joke, who would you be and what would your funny punchline be?
- If you could have a magic carpet that could take you anywhere, where would you go first?
- If you could have a pet robot that could talk and do tricks, what tricks would you teach it?
- If you could have your favorite dessert every single night after dinner, what would it be?
- If you could have a special talent for making funny sounds, what sounds would you create?
- If you could go to any amusement park in the world, what would it be?
- If you could tame any wild animal to be your pet, what would it be?
- What is the most embarrassing thing that’s every happened to you?
- What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen in your entire life?
- If you could be the principal of your school for a day, what funny rules would you make?
- If you could have a teleportation device that could take you anywhere instantly, where would you go first?
- If you could have a magical backpack that always has your favorite snacks, what snacks would you keep inside?
- If you could have a time machine that could only take you to funny moments in history, where would you go and what would you do?
These funny open-ended questions are the best way to get kids thinking and laughing.
Want more? Here are the 100 Best Hypothetical Questions For Kids >>
Would You Rather Questions
Looking for a fun and entertaining activity to engage kids in laughter and lively discussions? Look no further!
We have compiled a collection of silly questions starting with “Would You Rather” that are a great way to spark imagination and ignite playful debates. These thought-provoking scenarios are a fun way to get kids giggling, contemplating their choices, and eagerly sharing their hilarious reasoning.
- Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or a pet alien?
- Would you rather have to hop everywhere like a bunny or slither like a snake?
- Would you rather eat only pizza for a year or only ice cream for a year?
- Would you rather have a talking pet that never stops talking or a pet that can do magic tricks?
- Would you rather have a flying car or a teleportation device?
- Would you rather have a pet monkey or a pet elephant?
- Would you rather always have to hop on one leg or always have to skip everywhere?
- Would you rather have to wear shoes on your hands or gloves on your feet?
- Would you rather be able to turn invisible whenever you want or be able to fly like a bird?
- Would you rather live in a giant bubble or in a treehouse?
- Would you rather eat a worm sandwich or a slug smoothie?
- Would you rather have to speak in rhyme all the time or only be able to whisper?
- Would you rather have a pet dragon or a pet unicorn?
- Would you rather have the ability to swim like a fish or climb like a monkey?
- Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or fly in the sky?
- Would you rather have a magical hat that grants wishes or a talking backpack that gives you advice?
- Would you rather have to wear a clown wig every day or a superhero cape?
- Would you rather have a pet lion or a pet giraffe?
- Would you rather have a magic wand or a super speed running shoes?
- Would you rather live in a treehouse with no electricity or in a castle with no windows?
- Would you rather have a magical ability to make things disappear or a magical ability to make things appear?
- Would you rather have a pet penguin or a pet kangaroo?
- Would you rather be able to breathe fire like a dragon or have super strength like a superhero?
- Would you rather be able to talk to animals or be able to understand all languages?
- Would you rather have a pet robot or a pet alien?
- Would you rather have a never-ending supply of candy or a never-ending supply of toys?
- Would you rather have a pet tiger or a pet panda?
- Would you rather be able to run as fast as a cheetah or jump as high as a kangaroo?
- Would you rather have the ability to turn into any animal or have the ability to speak to plants?
- Would you rather have a personal assistant who is a robot or a personal assistant who is a unicorn?
- Would you rather have a pet shark or a pet dolphin?
- Would you rather have a magic carpet or a time machine?
- Would you rather have a pet owl or a pet fox?
- Would you rather have the ability to read minds or the ability to see into the future?
- Would you rather have a never-ending supply of ice cream or a never-ending supply of pizza?
- Would you rather have a pet horse or a pet elephant?
- Would you rather be able to talk to plants or be able to control the weather?
- Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or a pet dragon?
- Would you rather have the ability to speak any language fluently or be a master of every musical instrument?
- Would you rather have a never-ending supply of chocolate or a never-ending supply of balloons?
- Would you rather have a pet lion or a pet tiger?
- Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or fly through the air?
- Would you rather have a magical hat that produces any food you desire or a magical wand that grants three wishes?
- Would you rather have a pet monkey or a pet parrot?
- Would you rather have the ability to shrink down to the size of an ant or grow to be as tall as a skyscraper?
- Would you rather have a personal robot chef or a personal robot butler?
- Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or a pet unicorn?
- Would you rather have the ability to talk to animals or be able to speak every human language?
- Would you rather have a never-ending supply of toys or a never-ending supply of books?
- Would you rather have a pet dog that can talk or a pet cat that can do tricks?
These creative kids questions are an excellent way to get young children critically thinking about their choices, and giggling at the same time.
Never Have I Ever Questions
Here’s a fun dinner table game! Get ready for some revealing confessions and hilarious anecdotes.
In this section, we bring you a collection of “Never Have I Ever” statements that will uncover amusing experiences and unexpected revelations. Let’s play this exciting game and find out what adventures and misadventures we’ve all had or haven’t had!
Never have I ever eaten a bug.
Never have I ever worn my underwear backwards.
Never have I ever eaten something off the floor.
Never have I ever pretended to be sick to stay home from school.
Never have I ever forgotten someone’s name immediately after meeting them.
Never have I ever tried to lick my elbow.
Never have I ever walked into a door.
Never have I ever fallen asleep in class.
Never have I ever gotten lost in my own house.
Never have I ever met a famous person.
Never have I ever had a wardrobe malfunction.
Never have I ever accidentally called my teacher “mom” or “dad.”
Never have I ever laughed so hard I peed my pants.
Never have I ever been scared of a clown.
Never have I ever tried to balance a spoon on my nose.
Never have I ever eaten a whole pizza by myself.
Never have I ever gone to the bathroom in the middle of the night and accidentally sat on the toilet backwards.
Never have I ever tried to do a cartwheel and failed miserably.
Never have I ever pretended to be a superhero.
Never have I ever accidentally hit myself in the face with a ball.
Never have I ever forgotten my own birthday.
Never have I ever put my shirt on backwards and not realized it until later.
Never have I ever tripped over my own feet and fell in public.
Never have I ever had a bad haircut.
Never have I ever been scared of the dark.
Never have I ever fallen asleep while brushing my teeth.
Never have I ever gotten a hickey.
Never have I ever tried to fit my whole fist in my mouth.
Never have I ever had a crush on a cartoon character.
Never have I ever tried to sneak food into a movie theater.
Never have I ever accidentally worn two different shoes.
Never have I ever gotten gum stuck in my hair.
Never have I ever snorted while laughing.
Never have I ever tried to do a handstand and fell over.
Never have I ever broken something and blamed it on someone else.
Never have I ever eaten a whole bag of chips in one sitting.
Never have I ever tried to imitate a bird call.
Never have I ever worn a costume to school on a non-Halloween day.
Never have I ever mistaken someone for being pregnant when they weren’t.
Never have I ever tried to see how many marshmallows I could fit in my mouth.
Never have I ever had a wardrobe malfunction during a performance.
Never have I ever accidentally sent a text to the wrong person.
Never have I ever fallen asleep in the car and drooled on the window.
Never have I ever been scared of a thunderstorm.
Never have I ever gotten a wedgie in public.
Never have I ever tried to make myself sneeze.
Never have I ever laughed at a joke I didn’t understand.
Never have I ever tried to do a magic trick and failed.
Never have I ever gotten caught picking my nose.
Never have I ever gotten soap in my eyes while taking a shower.
Never have I ever tried to do a backflip and failed.
Never have I ever accidentally used permanent marker on myself.
Never have I ever been afraid of the dark.
Never have I ever eaten sushi.
Never have I ever had a bird poop on me.
Never have I ever stayed up all night.
Never have I ever had an imaginary friend.
Never have I ever done a flip off the diving board.
Never have I ever thrown up after going on a roller coaster.
Never have I ever had a nightmare after watching a scary movie.
Never have I ever been to a surprise party for someone.
Never have I ever cut my own hair.
This game is sure to give everyone a good laugh and help you get to know one another even better. You can alter the questions slightly if you’re playing with older kids.
Want more? Here are 250 Never Have I Ever Questions For Kids >>
Most Likely To Questions
Here are some great questions that prompt kids to consider who most likely to do something.
In this section, we present you with a collection of “Most Likely To” questions that are sure to spark laughter and reveal surprising insights. Let’s dive into this entertaining game and discover who among your group is most likely to…
Who is most likely to talk to animals?
Who is most likely to wear their clothes inside out?
Who is most likely to forget their own name?
Who is most likely to become a superhero?
Most likely to fall asleep during class?
Most likely to eat dessert before dinner?
Most likely to forget their own birthday?
Most likely to wear mismatched shoes to school?
Most likely to accidentally put their shirt on backwards?
Most likely to trip over their own feet?
Most likely to get lost in their own neighborhood?
Most likely to have their nose in their favorite book?
Most likely to sing in the shower?
Most likely to dance in the rain?
Most likely to have a pet rock?
Most likely to photobomb someone’s picture?
Most likely to forget their own name?
Most likely to think that aliens are real?
Who is most likely to invent a new color?
Who is most likely to scream the loudest during a horror movie?
Most likely to be a social media star?
Who is most likely to befriend a ghost?
Who is most likely to live in a treehouse?
Who is most likely to be president of the world?
Who is most likely to cry during a sad movie?
Who is most likely to grow to be 20 feet tall?
Who is most likely to be a mermaid or merman?
Who is most likely to speak in rhyme all day long?
Who is most likely to wear a chicken suit to a party?
Who is most likely to be a ninja?
Who is most likely to have a magical unicorn as a pet?
Who is most likely to scream the loudest in a haunted house?
Who is most likely to fall asleep on the couch in the living room?
Who is most likely to play video games for the longest amount of time?
Who is most likely to arrive late to an important event?
Who is most likely to become a professional tickler?
Who is most likely to have a pet dragon?
Who is most likely to invent a machine that can turn anything into pizza?
Who is most likely to befriend a robot?
Who is most likely to become a professional superhero sidekick?
Who is most likely to have the power of invisibility?
Who is most likely to go to school dressed as a superhero?
Want more? Here are 250 Most Likely to Questions for Kids >>
What Am I Riddles
Are you ready to challenge your wits and test your guessing skills? Get ready for the best thing since sliced bread: “Who Am I Riddles”!
These brain-teasing puzzles are the perfect way to engage kids in a game of deduction and excitement. Each riddle presents a clever description of a person, place, or object, leaving you to unravel the mystery and guess who or what it is.
Get ready to exercise your brain and embark on a journey of riddle-solving delight. Let’s dive into the world of “Who Am I Riddles” and unleash our inner detectives!
1. I am full of keys, but I cannot open any door. What am I?
Answer: A Piano
2. I am full of holes, but I can still hold a lot of water. What am I?
Answer: A Sponge
3. I get smaller every time I take a bath. What am I?
Answer: A Bar of Soap
4. You can catch me, but you can’t throw me. What am I?
Answer: A Cold
5. I’m light as a feather, yet the strongest man can‘t hold me for more than 5 minutes. What am I?
Answer: Breath
6. I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. What am I?
Answer: The letter e. End, timE, spacE
7. I make two people out of one. What am I?
Answer: A mirror
8. I make a loud noise when I’m changing. When I change, I get bigger but weigh less. What am I?
Answer: Popcorn.
9. I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?
Answer: A pencil
10. I am a seed that is a three letter word. Take two letters away and I still sound the same. What am I?
Answer: A pea
11. I have many sharp teeth but I cannot bite. What am I?
Answer: A comb
12. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
Answer: Footsteps
13. I have eyes but I can’t see. What am I?
Answer: A potato
14. I am a word of letters three. Add two letters, and fewer there will be! What Word Am I?
Answer: Few
15. I have a little house in which I live all alone. It has no doors or windows, and if I want to go out I must break through the wall. What am I?
Answer: A baby chick in an egg
16. I sound like one letter but I’m written with three. I show you things when you look through me. What am I?
Answer: Eye
17. Tomorrow I am surely here, yesterday I am found as well. Today I am gone. Who am I?
Answer: The letter R
18. I am white when I am dirty, and black when I am clean. What am I?
Answer: A chalkboard
19. When I’m used, I’m useless. When I’m offered, I’m usually rejected. What am I?
Answer: An excuse
20. I am served at a table, and I’m small, white, and round. What am I?
Answer: A ping-pong ball
21.What is as light as a feather, yet even the strongest person cannot hold it for long. What am I?
Your breath
22. I have a bed but I never sleep. I have a mouth but I never speak. What am I?
Answer: River
23. I’m tall when I’m young and short when I’m old. What am I?
Answer: A candle
24. I can be cracked, I can be made. I can be told, I can be played. What am I?
Answer: A joke
25. The more you take away, the more I become. What am I?
Answer: A hole
26. I’m always in you, and sometimes on you. If I surround you, I can kill you. What am I?
Answer: Water
27. Forwards I am heavy, but when I’m backward, I am not. What am I?
Answer: “Ton”
28. I have two hands, but I can not scratch myself. What am I?
Answer: A clock
29. I have no feet, no hands, and no wings, but I can climb into the sky. What am I?
Answer: Smoke
30. I’m a god, a planet, and a measurer of heat. Who am I?
Answer: Mercury
31. I have a head and a tail that will never meet. Having too many of me is always a treat. What am I?
Answer: A coin
32. I come in different colors. Sometimes I am hot, sometimes I am sweet. Even though I have a bell it doesn’t ring. What am I?
Answer: Bell pepper
32. I’m an instrument through which a loud sound can be made, but I am not something that can be played. What am I?
Answer: Your voice
33. Those that make me, don’t want me. Those that buy me, don’t use me. Those that use me don’t know it. What am I?
Answer: A casket
34. If you want me to talk, you must first pull my tail. What am I?
Answer: A bell
35. You’ll find me all around you; I can be clear but not seen through.
Answer: Skin
36. I go up but never come down. What am I?
Answer: Age
37. I have hands, but I cannot clap. What am I?
Answer: A Clock
38. I come down, but I never go up. What am I?
Answer: Rain
39. I am a ball that can be rolled but never bounced or thrown. What am I?
Answer: An Eyeball
40. I get wet while drying. What am I?
Answer: A Towel
41. I must be broken before you can use me. What am I?
Answer: An Egg
42. I have a thumb and four fingers but I’m not alive. What am I?
Answer: A Glove
43. I have a neck but no head. What am I?
Answer: A Bottle
44. I have one head, one foot, and four legs. What am I?
Answer: A Bed
45. I have a spine but no bones. What am I?
Answer: A Book
46. I am a 5 letter word. Take away the first letter and I am a place’s name. Take away the first two letters and I become the opposite of the 5 letter word. Who am I?
Answer: Woman –> Man
47. I have a head and a tail, but no arms and legs. What am I?
Answer: A Coin
48. I can run but not walk. Wherever I go, you are close behind. What am I?
Answer: A Nose
49. Take off my skin; I won’t cry but you might. What am I?
Answer: An Onion
50. I always follow you around everywhere you go at night.
Answer: The Moon
Want more? Here are 100 What Am I Riddles For Kids >>
Jokes For Kids
1. What time is it when the clock strikes 13?
Time to get a new clock.
2. How does a cucumber become a pickle?
It goes through a jarring experience.
3. What did one toilet say to the other?
You look a bit flushed.
4. Why can’t Elsa from Frozen have a balloon?
Because she will “let it go.”
5. What musical instrument is found in the bathroom?
A tuba toothpaste.
6. What do you call a fake noodle?
An im-pasta.
7. How do you make an artichoke?
You strangle it.
8. Why did the tomato blush?
Because it saw the salad dressing.
9. Why do mushrooms get invited to all the parties?
Because they’re such fungis! (Fun guys, get it?)
10. What did one plate whisper to the other plate?
Dinner is on me.
11. Why do Santa’s elves go to therapy?
To help their elf esteem.
12. Why did the kid throw a stick of butter out the window?
To see a butter-fly.
13. Why didn’t the teddy bear eat dessert?
He was stuffed.
14 .What do you give a sick lemon?
A Lemon-aid.
15. What did the cupcake tell its frosting?
I’d be muffin without you.
16. Why can’t you trust atoms?
They make up everything.
17. How do you stop an astronaut’s baby from crying?
You rocket!
18. Which hand is better to write with?
Neither, it’s better to write with a pen.
19. Why did the math book look so sad?
Because of all its problems.
20. What kind of tree fits in your hand?
A palm tree!
21. How many lips does a flower have?
22. What are the strongest days of the week?
Saturday and Sunday. All the others are weekdays.
23.Imagine if you walked into a bar and there was a long line of people waiting to take a swing at you. That’s the punch line.
24. How did one one tectonic plate apologize to the other?
“My fault.”
25. What do you call a guy who never farts in public?
A private tutor.
26. How do you get a tissue to dance?
You put a boogie in it.
27. What has four wheels and flies?
A garbage truck.
28. What’s red and smells like blue paint?
Red Paint.
29. What do you call cheese that’s not your cheese?
Nacho cheese.
30. Did you hear about the population of Ireland?
It’s Dublin.
31. Who did the zombie take to the dance?
His ghoul-friend
32. What do you call a rich elf?
33. How do you talk to giants?
Use big words!
34. Why was the skeleton afraid of the storm?
He didn’t have any guts.
35. Why do dogs float in water?
Because they are good buoys.
36. Which superhero hits the most home runs?
37. What kind of music do mummies listen to?
Wrap music.
38. What street do ghosts haunt?
Dead ends.
39. What is a witch’s favorite lesson at school?
40.What is the tallest building in the entire world?
The library, because it has so many stories.
41. How does the ocean say hello?
It waves.
42. What is the smartest state?
Alabama. It has four As and one B.
43. What state makes the most pencils?
44. What are a ninja’s favorite type of shoes?
45. What rock group has four members but doesn’t make a sound?
Mt. Rushmore.
46. What’s the fastest country in the world?
47. My friend is an expert reading maps.
He’s a legend.
48. What did the policeman say to his belly button?
“You’re under a vest.”
49. When does a joke turn into a dad joke?
When it becomes apparent.
50. When is a door not a door?
When it’s ajar.
Want more? Here are 175 Best Jokes For Kids >>
Laughter is truly the best medicine, and engaging in funny conversations with kids is an incredible way to create lasting memories and foster bonds.
We hope this list of funny questions led to lots of laughs, quality time, and interesting conversations.
Remember, the beauty of these activities lies in the moments of connection they create, the imaginative worlds they unlock, and the pure joy they bring. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or simply someone who enjoys the company of kids, we encourage you to keep the laughter flowing, the creativity soaring, and the smiles shining bright.
Calie Herbst, Editor-in-Chief of Milwaukee With Kids, has spent over a decade combining her experiences as a parent of three to create a hub for Milwaukee’s family adventures.
Her decade-long teaching career in Milwaukee Public Schools and academic background, including a Master’s in Teaching from Marquette University and dual B.A.s in Sociology and Spanish from the University of Wisconsin – Madison, fuel her passion for inclusive and engaging family content.
Calie is also a recognized voice in local media, contributing to WISN Channel 12 News, WTMJ Wisconsin Morning News, Fox 6’s Real Milwaukee, and B93.3.
Discover more about Calie’s journey and editorial approach on her About Page and Editorial Policy Page.