Patty The Lioness: 8 Fun Facts About The Zoo’s New Mom

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Patty The Lioness at the Milwaukee County Zoo. Photo by Garrett Hopkins.

There’s a new mom at the Milwaukee County Zoo, and we know our readers will want to know all about her.

Here are 8 fast facts about Patty The Lioness:

1. Patty is an African Lion, which are classified by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as vulnerable to extinction. The organization estimates that fewer than 25,000 lions remain in Africa.

2. Patty arrived at the Milwaukee County Zoo with her daughters Amira & Eloise in February of 2020 from the Sedgewick County Zoo in Kansas.

3. Zookeepers report Patty is shy, so the lack of people at the Zoo during the quarantine may have helped her settle in.

4. Patty is 5 ½ years old and her daughters Amira and Eloise are 2 ½ years old.

5. She eats 4.5 pounds of meat daily, in addition to whole prey and a large piece of meat on certain days.

6. Mornings are typically the best time to see the lionesses outside and moving about their habitat.

7. You can identify her by the straight edge on her left ear, owing to a bite from another lion at her previous zoo.

8. Her keepers say she is “smart as a whip” and knows more behaviors than most of the other cats.

This Mother’s Day, you can sponsor Patty the Lioness as a gift to yourself, your own mom, or your best mom friend.

A Zoological Society of Milwaukee sponsorship helps the Society fulfill its mission to conserve, educate and support the Milwaukee County Zoo.

Your $50 sponsorship includes:

-A certificate of sponsorship

-Sponsor recognition on our “All in the Family” donor board for a year

-An invitation to a behind-the-scenes event for animal sponsors at the Zoo

-A plush-toy lioness

-A colorful fact sheet on African lions

-A Sponsor an Animal decal

Your order must be received by April 30 to arrive in time for Mother’s Day. Shipping and handling is included.

Click here to sponsor Patty.

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