
Health & Safety Tips

Explore essential health and safety tips for parents to keep your family safe and well.

From managing common childhood issues like loose teeth and bee stings to navigating online safety and mental health, our expert advice covers a wide range of topics to help you protect and support your child’s well-being.

Bees are essential to our environment, but nothing can ruin a summer day quite like the pain of a bee sting. Whether you or your child has been stung, it’s important to know how to quickly treat the sting and relieve the pain. In some cases, bee stings can lead to serious allergic reactions, so...
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In the wake of tragic events like mass shootings, it’s natural for parents to feel unsure about how to address such difficult topics with their children. Whether your child has overheard conversations, seen news coverage, or experienced anxiety over their safety, knowing how to talk to them about shootings is crucial. Open and honest communication...
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Large events and festivals are exciting opportunities for families to make lasting memories. Whether you’re attending a local festival, a concert, or a sporting event, crowded spaces can pose challenges when it comes to keeping your kids safe. In busy environments, it’s easy to lose track of your child, and things can quickly turn stressful....
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If you’re a parent, you know it’s an exciting time when your child’s loose baby tooth starts wiggling.  You’ve probably taken a few cute pictures, talked about the tooth fairy, and wondered when the tooth will finally fall out.  But as the days go by and the tooth continues to dangle, you may start to...
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Cleaning your retainer is important for your oral health, and for making your retainer last a long time. With a ten-year-old son and eight-year-old daughter, we recently entered the exciting (and expensive!) world of orthodontic treatment. My main thought is: Why didn’t anyone tell me to start saving for this when the kids were newborns?...
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MKE With Kids is partnering with the Cudahy Healthy Department to raise awareness and erase any stigma surrounding postpartum depression and other disorders. OVERVIEW According to World Maternal Mental Health Day, as many as 1 in 5 women experience some type of perinatal mood and anxiety disorder (PMAD). Postpartum depression is perhaps the most well-known...
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Before the global pandemic, many parents tried to limit their kids’ screen time to the AAPA’s recommendation of 0-2 hours per day, depending on the child’s age. And now, we find ourselves in truly extraordinary circumstances, in which screen time is literally our children’s only way of connecting with their school and social lives. In...
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Health officials are saying that the spread of Coronavirus in the U.S. is a matter of “when” not “if”, so here are some things you can do *before* a COVID-19 outbreak arrives in Milwaukee. 1. Manage your expectations. A COVID-19 outbreak could last for a long time. Depending on the severity of the outbreak, public...
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Since January, I’ve been making small and gradual changes towards a more healthy lifestyle. And my kids have come along for the ride. They work out with me in the basement (i.e. dance around me while I trip over them). They eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. And most importantly, they have a healthy...
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